I would like to take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful Christmas!
It is going to be particularly special for many who have not been able to see friends and family due to lockdowns and border closures. I think Covid-19 has taught us many things, one of them being - an appreciation for our family, friends, and community.
When I look back and reflect on this year, the first thought I had was how frightened I was of the unknown when I had to make the tough decision to close our bricks and mortar shop doors at the end of March.
Closing the store was one of the hardest things I had to do, but strangely the easiest thing too. My instinct at that time told me that we all needed to band together to fight this pandemic and do what was necessary. As a community and a country, we have all done a great job!
I would really like to thank my team for everything that they've done this year. Carmela has been so dedicated to me and to our customers. Working alongside me and being such a good sport when I suggested: "Wine O'Clock" (which she promptly said had to be "Gin O'Clock"). Hence, our weekly little drinkies and dress ups were born - to help keep in touch with you all.
Another team member who works behind the scenes on all things digital and was an absolute rock from the beginning is Jessie. She is the kind of person that we all need in a pandemic - no BS, just pull your socks up, put your big girl pants on and let's get to it type of gal.
My daughter Kayla films every week and laughs out loud at Carmela and my antics. It was her idea that our last video for 2020 is of all our bloopers.
I hope you have a good laugh at all our stuff-ups - we definitely have!